Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 22. January 31, 2011.

"I wanna make you sweat"

I must pat myself on the back, because I have been doing so well with my exercise and eating right! I am proud of myself. And I am really happy because my parents are getting back into the swing of things! Although they were supposed to meet at the gym after work and did not show!! I came home to finally see that they opened up the Wii Fit. So I had to join in on the fun!! And guess what, my freaking Wii Fit Age is 37!!! My parents laughed and laughed. I did not find it funny. I have to do better. I will keep you all updated if things change, smh. My mom's Wii Fit Age was 39!!! I must do something!!

We really enjoyed the step levels and the running level as well. I am excited to continue playing this game. :) Although, I did not sweat, it increased my heart rate, so I felt like I was doing a little something something.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 21. January 30, 2011.

Home Is Where The Heart Is!

Today I did not feel well at all!! I had the worst stomach pain ever. I went into work an hour late and took a 90 minute break. All of which I spent at home! I was so miserable in the gym, but once I got home I began to feel better about my situation. It was not until I got completely off and was home for good that I felt 100% better!! Man, I tell you, it is something about the positive energy your home that makes it all better. I truly appreciate family. My picture of the day is a picture of my oldest niece, Amiyah. She was working around in my shoes and watching her favorite shows on Nick Jr. I thought this was the cutest and made me remember the times when I was young walking around in my parents shows as well. And all day she kept going up to people and saying "No matter WHO you are!" It was so funny, she is too grown for her age. Man, I love my family to pieces!!

Day 20. January 29, 2011.

Drink For A Cause.

Well today was definitely a new experience for me. I attended a campfire "party" for one of my employees, in the efforts of raising money for a surgery that she has to undertake. So we all gathered for a cause! It was a great time. The first time I ever completed a "keg stand" I had a really good time. I was able to get to know a few of my employees better and it was a new experience and everyone had a really good time. And best of all, we raised about $500 bucks. Cheers!! Bottoms Up!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 19. January 28, 2011.

Look What I Can Do!!

Today was a memorable day. Unfortunately it started off kind of shitty, but it ended well. I know that after today, I have one of the best daddy's in the world! He is really a sweet man and treats me like a princess. Yes, I am a daddy's girl. Well first, he allowed me to line up his beard! You all may think that really is not a huge deal, but he trusted me to shape up his beard with clippers!! Then shortly after he took me out to lunch at a small grill in Petersburg, VA. Followed by my first visit to the shooting range!!! I was so excited and happy to spend the day with my daddy-o!! He really made a difference in my day today!! I love him so much. BEST FATHER EVER!

And btw, yes I can shoot!! One of those shots next to the 'X' belongs to me!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 18. January 27, 2011.

$25 co-pay.

I finally decided to go to the doctor today to see what they could possibly tell me about these headaches I get almost every single day! So I went to Patient First, signed in, paid $25 bucks for a darn co-pay, went into the back, they took my vitals, and then the doctor came in to tell me that I was perfectly healthy and that my headaches were not migraines, but tension headaches and that I was probably stressed. All of that took about 15 minutes. Do you all know that I was pissed!! I told the doctor that he told me information that I could have found on the Internet! There was nothing he could do for me, but prescribe me darn medicine. I refuse to get it filled because he did nothing for me today. So in the efforts of getting my monies worth of a doctors visit, I asked him if I could get a physical done today. He told me no, because I have to fast for 8 hours, but I guess he could feel my frustration because he told me if I came back tomorrow at 8:00a I would not have to pay the co-pay! So believe me, I walked out that office happy. All I know is that he better keep his word. Because my $25 bucks went to waste today if he tries to play me tomorrow.

Day 17. January

Well I was actually going to take a picture of my purchase today, but I left it in my office at work. So I was left with nothing. Hah Until I got home and walked into my room and found this...laundry!! I have an issue with folding my clothes and putting it all away, so believe you me, this pile of clothes may be in my floor for a couple of days. But I promise; only a couple of days, I am going to get tired of looking at it all in my floor.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 16. January 25, 2011.


Today was a great day. It started out with a migraine and puffy eyes (out of left field) and ended with a migraine and puffy eyes. But needless to say, the in between was great! I completed payroll by myself at work today for the first time ever!! It went almost perfect. I also got to spend time with some of my employees! Oh and best of all, I did my cardio today!!! So as you can see I worked up an appetite today  with all the positive energy surrounding me. And I was so happy to come home and see pickles on the table beside the turkey burgers!! I devowered my burger and ate two pickles. :) Today was a good day. I think I will do some cardio again tomorrow.